“FVQG SEW IN” SATURDAY APRIL 24,2021 10am-2pm

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Hello Ladies

10am Saturday April 24,2021, you will receive an invitation to join in a very informal first ever virtual ” FVQG SEW IN”

It will be via zoom, come as long as you want, stay a little as you want. The room will be open from 10am to 2pm.

We will be having a couple of short demonstrations, close to 10 am , Marion Cardenas will explain the Windows block, then Wendy Whiting will join us and demo the May “Preemie” block and perhaps we might get a demo on May’s “Block of the Month.”

Cathy Galbraith



March 13, 2021 Drive through

The weather cooperated, social distancing was adhered to , over 200 preemies were donated, enough pillows to fill a pick up truck, library books returned, recycling perused, blocks of the month handed in, all in all another great success.



Shop your Stash with Cheryl Arkison

A 2 – 3 hour lecture and demo on building, storing, and using your stash.

Not every stash is the same, of course. Not to mention, we all make different quilts. Taking a thoughtful approach to buying fabric means that you are likely to have what you need on hand, no matter what the need is. Always have what you need on hand, no matter what the need is. Choosing what to get is only half the battle though, storing your fabric to be accessible and visible while keeping it safe is just as important. The lecture will include lessons on value and colour as well as a fun challenge with fabrics of your own.

Comfy chair, your favourite quilt, a cup of tea or bourbon, and a view of your stash fabrics of your own.
Oh, and bring that one piece of fabric that you just can’t figure out how to use!

Members: $50 / Non-Members $55

Pre-registration is required. Go to http://www.fvqg.org/sign-up/ to register.

March 9th Evening Presentation: Living Lyrically

Take a lighthearted journey with Lyric along her circuitous and unexpected path towards life as a quilt artist. Laugh along as she juggles fabric and family and deals with both duties and dreams. See her first quilts, current work, and a lot of the stuff in between, both the good and the embarrassingly bad.

But this lecture isn’t really about Lyric, it’s about YOU. Learn that where you are right now is the best place to start. Lyric will give you a a quick peek at the various studios she has inhabited and practical tips for how to carve out your own space. She will show you where to find the time to follow your creative passion. If she can do it with five kids and while running a business, you can find time to make a quilt. (You choose whether she is still sane or not!)

Come away fired up, ready to get out there and learn new things, do the hard work necessary and to be fearless enough to create your very own kind beauty.

About Lyric
Lyric Montgomery Kinard is an award winning artist with a passion for sparking the creativity that she knows each of her students posses. With playful support and gentle encouragement she will take you through your first steps on a new path, seeing the world through the eyes of an artist. As an artist, author, and educator she transforms cloth into art in her studio and timid spirits into confident creatives in the classroom.

Lyric was recognized for her talents as the 2011 International Association of Professional Quilters Teacher of the Year and is the author of the book Art + Quilt: design principles and creativity exercises. She has written extensively for Quilting Arts Magazine, appeared on Quilting Arts TV, and The Quilt Show. In her past life she was a musician, earned a BA in English Literature from the University of Utah and has also formally studied architecture. She currently lives in Cary, North Carolina with her husband and some of their five children.

You can read about Lyric and see her artwork at lyrickinard.com

Tina Curran Whimsical Garden Optional Fabric Choice

Tina Curran’s Whimsical Garden workshop involves making a pieced background, Fussy cutting flowers (from floral fabrics), adding cut stems and then fusing down and raw edge appliquéing all the flower heads and stems to the background. For those who do not collect floral fabrics (or even those who do), an option is to make flowers from any non-floral fabric they already have.  Tina Curran  illustrates how to do that in her July newsletter (see the link below).

Tina Curran Newsletter