FVQG Library

Hello fellow quilters:

Lets say a huge Thank you to both Joan Anderson and Sue Treen for the countless hours they have spent to enable us to have our fantastic library available online.

Please click on the library tab and then click on the library website link.

Find a comfy chair, grab a beverage and peruse all the books online!

Great job girls!

Christmas Party 2020

Congratulations to Vera Swaren for winning our virtually drawn 50/50.

Please see our FaceBook page for the live draw!

A lot of giggles and great conversations were had at our virtual Christmas meeting on zoom, with the use of breakout rooms we were able to have a few activities that caused lasting memories of a very different FVQG Christmas party.

Thanks for joining in the fun.

See you in January!

Cathy Galbraith

November meeting

Hello fellow quilters

We ask all our members to participate in a “what are you working on now”

This will take place after the general meeting and show and tell.

Please have whatever you are sharing at the ready!

Thank you

November Presentation


Tuesday November 10, 2020 Zoom Presentation with Rita Solkin

Collecting and Caring for your vintage quilts.

Did someone leave you a quilt or did one call to you from a vendor’s table at a local summer market? What now? How do you keep it, should you wash it, how do you repair that little tear in some of the fabrics? And of course, how much is it worth?

Come and learn some of the answers while viewing 50 plus quilts, tops and blocks ranging from 1800 to the present. Please bring your cherished vintage and antique quilts for show and tell to help everyone get in the spirit of those wonderful, mostly anonymous, mostly women, who turned a household item into something beautiful

Outgoing President blocks.

Please see the picture below which represents all of the blocks that were done by our members for the outgoing President.

This has been a tradition for many years and is done in secret by the members and presented to the outgoing President in appreciation of her contribution to the Fraser Valley Quilters Guild during her time in office

Congratulations a job well done, Irene

October 2020

October 13th Nicholas Turcan

Nicholas Turcan is a multi-talented and very creative individual. His journey into quilting began in 2012 with one quilt. Well, one quilt quickly turned into several which led him
to a job at The Cloth Shop on Granville Island, where his passion for fabrics, quilting and designing patterns only grew. He is now a talented long-arm quilter, who helps his
clients enhance their quilts with his creativity. In addition to long-arm quilting, he has also started to teach free-motion

Quilt as inspired
In this lecture I will summarize my quilting journey and discuss (and show) my favourite quilts! I will share some of the teachable moments that took me from a novice quilter to the artist I am today. For the second half of the talk I really want to discuss how to choose designs and how to create secondary designs from just the quilting. The quilts shown during this portion are samples that I made specifically for this lecture and show you just how creative and versatile this style can be!