Remembrance Day

I am thankful for the sacrifices of others that enable me to enjoy the life I have today.

Please remember those that have either lost their lives or now have compromised lives due to injuries sustained defending our freedoms.

Do you have some poppy/canadiana fabric, perhaps you could make a quilt and donate it to a Legion near you. If you are so inclined contact a branch near you and ask what is appropriate.

Lest We Forget

Our day meeting in November we are featuring “Orange you Glad” our first colour themed month. Bring your ‘orange” quilts but wait for instructions to show them in a separate Show and Tell. Bring an “orange snack” such as cheezies, pumpkin loaf, papaya, carrot cake.. you get the drift. it will be nothing but orange everywhere!!! “Orange you Glad”.

The in between will feature a pattern called disappearing L patch. An email will be forthcoming with all the pertinent info.

Stay tuned and see you on November 14.

Cathy G

Cher Olsson featured in the Port Moody Art Gallery


Cher has submitted 3 of her famous award winning quilts to the interactive display at the Port Moody Gallery. This show is geared to young and old alike.

As the weather turns cold and wet, what better way to spend a couple of hours but in an art gallery, then indulge in a nice lunch afterward. The show runs until October 25,2024.

Port Moody Art Gallery:

2425 St Johns Street, Port Moody

Hours:12;00pm to 4:00pm daily

Phone : 604-931-2008


Last day of August!

That means it’s almost September! Members will have received their newsletter by now and what a fantastic job Cher is doing!

Have you finished your Anna Marie sewing machine cover summer challenge! I have!  Remember to bring it for Show N Tell.

Libs Elliott will be here in just a few sleeps! So excited to have her teach her “Embrace the Chaos” class on Saturday September 9. Very happy to report the class is SOLD OUT! Then we get to hear about her quilting journey at the general meeting the following Tuesday.

We will be welcoming our new President as well as all the new/previous team members who will be supporting her throughout the year!

The September meeting is bound to be a busy one and I am looking forward to seeing all the familiar faces and welcoming all the new ones as well.

Til then

Cathy G

Sit and Stitch

Hello everyone!

Have you been missing your quilting buddies?

If so, join us this Saturday,July 15 @10:00am.

Watch for the zoom link in your email!

See you there!

Cathy G